On May 20th, 2021, the Manitoba government announced that Candace House was chosen to receive $100,000 through the Criminal Property Forfeiture (CPF) program. This funding will help to support our Healing Haven and Informed Spaces programs.
“The criminal property forfeiture program seizes and liquidates criminal assets and redirects funding to projects and initiatives designed to protect Manitobans and enhance public safety,” said Friesen. “Our government is pleased to provide this funding to organizations across Manitoba whose important initiatives continue to build community, invest in youth and support victims of crime.”
Candace House was one of several agencies selected to be funded through the CPF. In fact, the Manitoba government is investing more than $2.3 million from the proceeds of crime in safety and crime prevention programs for communities throughout Manitoba.
Read the entire News Release here: https://news.gov.mb.ca/news/index.html?item=51312&posted=2021-05-20
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