The Province of Manitoba announced additional support today for Candace House along with other victim services organizations.
"Our government will always stand up for victims of crime and their families, which is why we are committed to supporting organizations like Candace House," said Justice Minister Cliff Cullen. "Feedback about Candace House has been overwhelmingly positive since its launch last year and we are pleased to provide this funding, which will enable them to continue providing needed comfort to the families of homicide victims and others who are navigating the criminal justice system.”
Candace House is receiving $100,000 in funding for this year including $50,000 from the Federal Proceeds of Crime Fund and $20,000 from the Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund. An additional $30,000 is being provided from the Victims’ Assistance Fund.
Read the full news release from the Province of Manitoba here.
MLA Janice Morley-Lecomte, Candace House Executive Director Cecilly Hildebrand, Wilma & Cliff Derksen, and Justice Minister Cliff Cullen
Read articles:
City News, Living through a homicide
Winnipeg Free Press, Victim-support services get financial boost from province
Winnipeg Sun, Victim supports get new funding from Manitoba
CTV News, New funding for victim services